NCDXA - A club with heritage, experience and proven performance
in leading the way for DXers since 1972

National Capitol DX Association's

Volunter Examiner

[ARRL VEC] [Volunteer Examiners]

What is a Volunteer Examiner?

Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are licensed radio amateurs holding a General Class license or higher who offer their time to administer the FCC licensing tests.

NCDXA Club Members who are VE's:

Many of our club members are ARRL Volunteer Examiners. Our current list of VE's is as follows:

  • Richard "Rick" Hambly, W2GPS (ARRL VEC)
  • John Kanode, N4MM (ARRL VEC)
  • Larry Vogt, N4VA (ARRL VEC)
  • Terry Hines, N4ZH (ARRL VEC)
  • Ed Kuebert, K5EK
  • Ian Keith, N8IK (ARRL VEC)