NCDXA - A club with heritage, experience and proven performance
in leading the way for DXers since 1972

National Capitol DX Association's

History of NCDXA

NCDXA Charter Members (1972-2022)

NCDXA Charter Members
John R. Boyd, W4WWG ( W4WG )
Burt C. Cohen, W3CRE ( W3GG )
Morton H. Cohen, K3EH
Theodore J. Cohen, W4UMF ( N4XX )
James A. Douglas, W3ZNH ( W3ZN )
Robert D. Edmonston, K4BEO ( N4VV )
George A. Grant, K3EJ
Peter L. Huber, WA3KSQ ( K3ZR )
John S. Jarrett, K4CFB ( K4FJ )
Ray C. H. Johnson, K4DXO ( K5RJ )
Richard M. Klein, K4GKD (N9CM)
Layfield L. Lamb, W3BWZ ( W4NL (now SK) )
Owen J. McReynolds, K3GKU ( W4DPS )
William B. May, W3RX
Joseph S. Mikuckis, K3CHP
Richard G.Price, W3DBT ( K3RS )
Wallace H. Raymond, K4EKJ ( N4KW )
Paul D. Rockwell, W3AFM
Donald B. Search, W3AZD
Raymond E. Spence, W4QAW

NCDXA Charter Members (2022 to Present)

NCDXA was reorganized on December 29, 2022 as a Maryland 501(c)7 corporation. For that Corporation, "Charter Member" refers to the original founders of the of the Club (alive or deceased), who were members in good standing with the predecessor NCDXA Virginia Corporation Association.

K1MU, Rick Murphy; K1ZZI, Ralph Bates; K5RJ, Ray Johnson; WA3DVO, Everett Bollin; WN3R, Dick Hayman; W0VTT, Mike Cizek; WK3N, James Lee Scott; K2EJ, Steven Fook; K3ZO, Fred Laun (SK); K3EW, Phil Barsky; AE3T, Howard Sherer; K3AJ, Tom Valenti; K3LU, Ulis Fleming; K3RON, Ron Rubin; K3YNY, Rick Burich; K4MV, Mark Scott; K4RZ,Coleman Baker; K5EK, Ed Kuebert; K5VRX, Roger Stephens, KE3GK, Tom Molyneaux; K0GD, Rick Hambly; N2IW, Ming Ying; N3HSA, Erinn Tordella; N3NT, Craig Lee; N4MM, John Kanode; N4VA, Larry Vogt; N4ZH, Terry Hines; N8IK, Ian Keith; N8IVN, Denis Kronenberg; W3ICM, Fred Matos: W3LL, Bud Governale; W3LPL, Frank Donovan; W3MMM, Jay Horman; W3NRJ, Jim Locke; W3OU, Stephen Bonk; W3US, Roger Schlagheck; W3XG, Kris Uebersax; W4VIC, Vic Culver; WA1T, Al Cerniauskas; WA7NB, Arthur Blank; WV4V, Brian Treadwell.

NCDXA Past Officers

Year President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
1972-1973 Jim Douglas W3ZN (SK) Dick Price K3RS (SK) Lynn Lamb W4NL (SK)
1973-1974 Jim Douglas W3ZN (SK)
1974-1975 Steve Jarrett K4FJ
1975-1976 Ray Johnson K5RJ
1976-1977 Lynn Lamb W4NL (SK)
1977-1978 Steve Thompson N4TX Robert Thames K3RT Richard Vincent K3AO Robert Peterson W3YY
1978-1979 Robert Thames K3RT
1979-1980 John Kanode N4MM Dick Allardyce N4RA Bill Mullin AA4M Burt Cohen W3GG
1980-1981 Dick Allardyce N4RA
1981-1982 Ed Kuebert K5EK
1982-1983 Bob Peterson W3YY
1983-1984 John Boyd W4WG John Kanode N4MM Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Bob Chapman WB4FTU
1984-1985 Stuart Meyer W2GHK/4 (SK) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK)
1985-1986 Stuart Meyer W2GHK/4 (SK) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK)
1986-1987 Henry Herman W3UJ (SK)
1987-1988 Ken Miller K6IR(SK) Jeff Hutchinson (ex-N4JT) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Craig Stevens AB7YC
1988-1989 Burt Cohen W3GG Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Glenn Tracey KC3EK
1989-1990 David Hammond WC4B(SK) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Ralph Bates K1ZZI
1990-1991 Mike Cizek W3MC Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Craig Stevens AB7YC
1991-1992 Mike Cizek W3MC Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Joe Sciuto (ex-N4MQX)
1992-1993 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) John Kanode N4MM Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1993-1994 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) John Kanode N4MM Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1994-1995 Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) Jeff Strandburg (ex-WV3B) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1995-1996 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) Jeff Strandburg (ex-WV3B) Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1996-1997 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) Erinn Tordella N3HSA Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1997-1998 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) Erinn Tordella N3HSA Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1998-1999 Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK) Erinn Tordella N3HSA Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
1999-2000 Rick Murphy K1MU Mark Behrens W4GP Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK)
2000-2001 Rick Murphy K1MU Mark Behrens W4GP Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK)
2001-2002 Terry Hines N4ZH Clair Allen AA4KD Henry Herman W3UJ (SK) Leo Boberschmidt W3LEO (SK)
2002-2003 Terry Hines N4ZH Dick Maylott W2YE Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2003-2004 Dick Maylott W2YE Terry Hines N4ZH Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2004-2005 Dick Maylott W2YE Terry Hines N4ZH Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2005-2006 Dick Maylott W2YE Terry Hines N4ZH Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2006-2007 Dick Maylott W2YE Bernie McClenny W3UR Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2007-2008 Dick Maylott W2YE John Kanode N4MM Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2008-2009 Dick Maylott W2YE John Kanode N4MM Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2009-2010 Dick Maylott W2YE John Kanode N4MM Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2010-2011 Vytas "Al" Cerniauskas WA1T John Kanode N4MM Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) George Vincent K3GV
2011-2012 David Collingham K3LP (SK) Terry Hines N4ZH Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU
2012-2013 Rick Murphy K1MU Brian Bayus N1KC (SK) Rick Murphy K1MU Terry Hines N4ZH
2013-2022 Fred Laun, K3ZO (SK) John Kanode, N4MM Jack Ference W3KX / Phil Barsky K3EW Terry Hines N4ZH / Brian Treadwell WV4V

NCDXA-C Officers

Year Lead Director Director Director Treasurer
2022-2023   Phil Barsky, K3EW Howard Sherer, AE3T Ed Kuebert, N5EK Phil Barsky, K3EW
2023-2024   Phil Barsky, K3EW Howard Sherer, AE3T Mark Scott, K4MV Phil Barsky, K3EW

NCDXA History

The National Capitol DX Association (NCDXA) was the outgrowth of a small informal group which in the summer of 1968 was planning a DXpedition to Navassa Island that did not materialize.

This group of Washington, D.C. area members promptly grew in number and passed information regarding DX matters via High Frequency and the Telephone. It quickly became apparent that a more efficient and timely method of DX alerting was needed. To support this need, a simplex channel was established on 147.420 KHz with the first use in the summer of 1971.

To document the countries needed by fellow DXers, a central directory list was compiled and circulated. This system was described in the February 1976 issue of CQ Magazine.

With the increasing interest in DXing and the use of the 2 meter band, W3BWZ (now W4NL (SK)) proposed that a formal DX Association be established. The first meeting was in August, 1972 at the home of Bill May, W3RX. At that meeting the National Capitol DX Association was formed with 19 charter members. The following officers were elected; President, James Douglas, W3ZNH (Now W3ZN, SK); Vice President, Peter Huber, WA3KSQ (Now K3ZR); Secretary, Lynn Lamb, W3BWZ (Now W4NL (SK)); Treasurer, Dick Price, W3DBT (Now K3RS, SK).

The preamble of the original constitution summarizes the purpose of the association and reads; "The Association shall further the exchange of DX information and cooperation between members; promote Amateur Radio and DX knowledge, fraternalism and individual operator efficiency."

The Association immediately affiliated with the American Radio Relay League and promptly nominated a member to serve on the ARRL DX Advisory Committee. From that point in time until 2012, the NCDXA has had at least one member on the DX Advisory Committee.

In addition to providing a local organization to bond the sincere Washington, D.C. area DXers together, The NCDXA has sponsored or participated in the following successful activities;

  • DX Program at the 1973 ARRL Roanoke Division Convention
  • DXPO 74, a tradition is started
  • DX Program at the 1975 ARRL National Convention - a very revealing program
  • DXPO 76, a tradition continues
  • DXPO 78, most successful to date
  • DXPO 80, better yet
  • DXPO 82, even better
  • DXPO 84, you be the judge
  • DXPO 86, on and on we go
  • 1987, Super Golden Jubilee Program
  • NCDXA Tri-Band Award

All of these activities drew DXers from across the U.S., Canada and from around the world.

From 1974 to 1978 the NCDXA took on the task of operating the W4/K4/N4 QSL Bureau, W4WSF (Now N4MM) served as Bureau Manager until 1978 when W4WWG (Now W4WG) became the Manager. This Bureau processes in excess of 300,000 DX QSL-cards each year.

On January 2, 2006 NCDXA assumed sponsorship of the ARRL Third Call Area Incoming QSL Bureau . Noted DXer Fred Laun, K3ZO (SK), managed the bureau.

In addition to the DXPO and Convention participation, the NCDXA has contributed funds to DX-peditions; maintained around-the-clock contacts with Bermuda during the riots on that Island; and transmitted nightly navigation weather information to the Japanese explorer, Naomi Uemura, JG1QFW during his solo dog sled trip to the North Pole.